The page shows the participating milk laboratories to the ICAR Proficiency Test had in March 2022 and the example of the Reports produced
The Reports produced in this round are available hereby:
- Report for the Reference Method
- Report for the Routine Method
The following are the laboratories that took part to the PT round held in March 2022:
Country | Laboratory |
Belgium | Comite du Lait ASBL |
Belgium | Department of Agricultural products of Walloon Agricultural Research Centre |
Canada | Lactanet |
Canada | Lactanet Central Milk Testing Lab |
Canada | Lactanet Pacific Milk Analysis |
Czech Republic | Lab. Pro Rozbor mleka Brno |
Czech Republic | MILCOM a.s Dairy Research Institute |
Denmark | Eurofins Milk Testing Denmark |
Denmark | Foss Analytical A/S |
Denmark | LVK |
Estonia | Eesti Pollumajandusloomade Joudluskontrolli AS, Milk Analysing Laboratory |
Finland | Valio Oy, Regional laboratory |
France | Labilait |
France | Thermo Fisher Scientific Lab Service International |
Germany | Milchprüfring Bayern e.V. |
Hungary | Hrvatska Agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu |
Ireland | Teagasc, Technical Services Laboratory |
Italy | Associazione Italiana Allevatori, Laboratorio Standard Latte (LSL-AIA) |
Italy | Federazione Latterie Soc. di Bolzano |
Japan | Japan Dairy Technical Association |
Norway | Tine Ramelklaboratoriet Heimdal |
Norway | Tine SA Mastittlaboratoriet i Molde |
Poland | PFHBiPM lab. Parzniewie |
Poland | PFHBiPM Laboratorium w Bialymstoku zs.w Jezewie Starym |
Poland | PFHBiPM Laboratorium w Kobiernie |
Poland | PFHBiPM Region Oceny Bydgoszcz z/s w Minikowie |
Portugal | Associacao Interprofissional do Leite e Lacticinios |
Portugal | LRV- Laboratorio Regional de Veterinaria |
Portugal | Sercla Terceira |
Serbia | Laboratorija za ispitivanje kvaliteta mleka, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad |
Slovak Republic | Plemenárske služby SR, š.p., Centrálne laboratórium rozboru mlieka |
Slovenia | KGZS Zavod Ptui |
Slovenia | University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Zootech. Dept., Laboratory for Dairying |
South Africa | Merieux NutriScience J Bay |
South Korea | Korea Animal Improvement Association |
Spain | CICAP |
Sweden | Delaval International |
Sweden | Eurofins Milk Testing Sweden AB |
Sweden | National Veterinary Institute |
Switzerland | Agroscope |
Switzerland | Suisselab AG |
Taiwan | Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan Animal Germplasm Center of TLRI |
The Netherlands | Qlip B.V. |
Tunisia | Laboratoire d Analse du lait Beja |
UK | CIS |
UK | National Milk Records plc Glasgow |
UK | National Milk Records plc Wolverhampton |
USA | Eastern Laboratory Services |