With around 130 organisations from around 60 countries ICAR has a world-wide membership network, making ICAR a global membership network. A map of the countries in which there is at least one ICAR member is available here.
The designations employed in this page do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ICAR concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Disclaimer: Being an “Associate Member” does not imply any approval of any device produced by the member
ICAR Members
- Asociación Cridadores de Holando Argentino, ACHA Laprida 1818 1425 EKR Buenos Aires
Contact person: Mariano Brave
- DataGene, Level 5 IBM Centre, 60 City Road, Southbank Vic 3006
Contact person: Matthew Shaffer - National Livestock Identification System Limited, Locked Bag 991 NSW 2059 North Sydney Australia
Contact person: Jo Quigley - Agricultural Busness Research Institute, The Short Run, University of New England 2350 Armidale, NSW Australia
Contact person: Hugh Nivison
Associated members
- Ceres Tag Ltd, PO Box 552, 4250 Samford, Queensland
Contact person: Kim Lane - Leader Products, P.O. Box 42, 3064 Craigieburn, Victoria
Contact person: Ken Evers
- Zentrale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ősterreichisher Rinderzüchter, Dresdner Strasse 89/19 1200 Wien
Contact person: Martin Stegfellner
- Wallonia Region
Service Public de Wallonie (SPW), Direction Générale Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement (DGARNE) Département du Développement Direction de la Qualité Chaussée de Louvain, 14, Bâtiment Place, 2ème étage 5000 Namur
Contact person: Pierre Forneau - Flemish Region
CRV Vlaanderen vzw, Wassenaarweg 20, 6843 NW Arnhem
Contact person: Jos Buiting
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Dairy Farmers Association of the Republic of Srpska, Knjaza Milosa 21, 78000 Banja Luka
Contact person: Aleksandar Maric
Associated member
- Clínica do Leite Ltda., Rua Cezira Giovanoni 600, Piracicaba, 13.414-157
Contact person: Paulo Fernando Machado
- Executive agency for selection and reproduction in animal breeding 26 Bistrishko Shosse Str. 1756 Sofia
Contact person: Vasil Nikolov
- Lactanet Canada, 555 boul. des Anciens-Combattants, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
Contact person: Daniel Lefebvre
- COOPRINSEM, Manuel Rodriguez 1040 5310696 Osorno
Contact person: Carlos Lizana
- Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu (Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food), Vinkovačka cesta 63c, 31000 Osijek
Contact person: Zdenko Ivkić
Czech Republic
- Chovatelské druzstvo Impuls (Breeding Cooperative Impuls), Bohdalee 122 592 55 Bobrova
Contact person: Michal Basovnik - Czech Moravian Breeder’s Corporation Inc. (Českomoravská společnost chovatelů, a.s.) Benesovska 123, 252 09 Hradištko
Contact person: Josef Kucera
- Chovatelské druzstvo Impuls (Breeding Cooperative Impuls), Bohdalee 122 592 55 Bobrova
- The Danish Agriculture & Food Council, Landbrug & Fødevarer F.m.b.A, Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, 1609 København V,
Contact person: Johannes Frandsen and Ida Storm
Associated member
- Foss Analytical A/S, Nils Foss Allé 1, DK-3400 Hillerød
Contact person: Christina Lindstorff
Associated member
- Si-Ware Systems, 3, Khaled lbn AI-Waleed St. Sheraton, Heliopolis, 11361 Cairo
Contact person: Hisham Haddara
- Eesti Põllumajandusloomade Jõudluskontrolli AS, F. Tuglase 12, 50094 Tartu
Contact person: Kaivo Ilves
- ProAgria Group PL 251 01301 Vantaa
Contact person: Kirsi Leppikorpi
Associated member
- MTech Digital Solutions Oy, Urheilutie 6, 01301 Vantaa
Contact person : C. Jurvanen
- France Genétique Elevage 149, Rue de Bercy 75595 Paris Cedex 12
Contact person: Laurent Journaux
Associated Member
- Agdatahub, 149 Rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris
Contact Person: Sébastien Picardat - Agranis, 141 Bd. Des Loges, F-53942 Saint Berthevin
Contact person: Florent Perrin - Allflex Route des Eaux 35500 Vitre France
Contact person: Emiliano Rossi
- Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e. V. – BRS (German Livestock Association), Adenauerallee 174 53113 Bonn
Contact person: Nora Hammer - VIT, IT – Solutions for Animal Production, Heinrich-Schröder-Weg 1, 27283 Verden
Contact person: Reinhard Reents
Associated Member
- Caisley International GmbH, Harderhook 31 46395 Bocholt-Mussum Germany
Contact person: Reinhard Nehls - FarmChamps GmbH & Co. KG., Industriegebiet Süd, 63924 Kleinheubach, Bayern
Contact person: Dominik Streyl - GEA Farm Technologies GmbH, Siemensstrasse 25-27 59199 Boenen
Contact person: Michael Strotmann - Gepe-Geimuplast GmbH, Partenkirchner str. 51 82490 Farchant Germany
Contact person: Andreas Wild - Holm & Laue GmbH & Co. KG, Moorweg 6, 24784 Westerrönfeld, Schleswig-Holstein
Contact person: Tobias Nieschulze
Associated member
- Holstein Association of Hellas, 10th Kilometer Thessaloniki-Lagada, Derveni, P.C. 57200, P.O. Box 4 57200 Thessaloniki
Contact person: Stamatis Milioudis - Hellas K Sylaios SA, K. Sylaou 1, 57013 Oraiokastro, Thessaloniki
Contact person: Nikolaos Sylaios
- Livestock Performance Testing Ltd., Hungary, LPT, PF.:258 Dozsa Gyorgy u. 58 2101 Gödöllö
Contact person: Arpad Kenéz - National Food Chain Safety Office (Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal, NÉBIH), Keleti Károly u.24 1024 Budapest Hungary
Contact person: Simai Szabolcs
- Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, Mother Teresa Str. 35, Prishtina
Contact person: Venera Çerkini
- The Icelandic Agricultural Advisory Centre, Hvanneyragata 3, 311 Borgarbyggo
Contact person: Karvel Lindberg Karvelsson
- National Dairy Development Board, Post Box No. 40 388 001 Anand Dist, Gujarat
Contact person: Rajesh Gupta
- Irish Cattle Breeding Federation Society Limited, Highfield House, Shinagh Co. Cork Bandon
Contact person: Brian Coughlan
Associated Member
- Dairymaster, Causeway, Tralee Co. Kerry
Contact person: Edmond Harty
- Cattle Breeders’ Association (ICBA), P.O. Box 3015 38900 CAESARIA INDUSTRIAL PARK
Contact person: Ephraim Ezra
Associated members
- AFIMILK, Kibbutz Afikim 15148
Contact person: Niv Pinsky - SCR Engineers Ltd., Ha-Melakha St 18, Netanya,
Contact person: Emiliano Rossi
- Associazione Italiana Allevatori, Via XXIV Maggio 44/45, 00187 Rome
Contact person: Mauro Fioretti - Associazione Veneta Allevatori, Via Luigi Pierobon, 35010 Limena, Padova
Contact person: Claudio Marangoni - Unione per I servizi alla selezione e biodiversità (Synergy), Loc. Ferlina 204, Bussolengo, VR 37012
Contact person: Enrico Santus
Associated members
- InterPuls S.p.A., Via Felice Maritano 11, I-42020 Albinea (RE)
- Contact person: Gabriele Nicolini
- Milkline NG S.p.A, Loc. Gariga – Via Mattei, 4 29027 Podenzano (PC)
Contact person: Daniele Ratti - Panazoo Italiana Srl, Via Nicoloò Copernico 2 20082 Binasco
Contact person: Davide Petroni - Topcon Agriculture S.r.l., Via Cemala 2, 10122 Turin
Contact person: Antonio Marzia
- Livestock Improvement Association of Japan Inc., Milk Records Division Ishima-Bldg, 11-17 Fuyuki, Kohtou-ku, 135-0041 Tokyo
Contact person: Mituo Aihara
Associated member
- Orion Machinery Co. Ltd., No. 246 Kotaka Suzaka-shi 382-8502 Nagano-ken
Contavt person: Toshiyuki Okatani
- Rural Support Service, Republikas laukums 2, Rīga, LV 1981
Contact person: Indulis Āboliņš - Latvian Holstein Association, Rigas street 38-6, Valmiera
Contact person: Ieva Rutkovska (lha@valm.lv)
- Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, K. Donelaicio 2, LT-44213 Kaunas
Contact person: Sigitas Dimaitis - State Food and Veterinary Service of the Republic of Lithuania (SFVS), Siesikq str. 19, 07170 Vilnius
Contact person: Darius Remeika
- CONVIS – Herdbuch Service Elevage et Génétique, Zone Artisanale et Commerciale n° 4 9085 Ettelbrück
Contact person: Armand Braun
- Sistema Nacional de Identificación Individual de Ganado en México, Calz. Mariano Escobedo 714, Col. Nueva Anzures. 11590 Mexico, D.F.
Contact person: Othón Reynoso Campos
New Zealand
- B+LNZ Genetics – Division of Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ltd
Contact person: Suzi Keeling - DairyNZ, Cnr Ruakura and Morrinsville Road , Newstead 3240 Hamilton (Waikato)
Contact person: Andrew Fear - Livestock Improvement Corp. Ltd., Private Bag 3016 (Cnr Ruakura & Morrinsville Roads, Newstead) 3240 Hamilton
Contact person: Bevin Harris - OSPRI NZ Ltd., PO Box 3412, 6140 Wellington
Contact person: Clifton King
Associated Members
- Rezare Systems Ltd., Waikato Innovation Park, P.O. Box 9466 3240 Hamilton
Contact person: Andrew Cooke - Waikato Milking Systems LP 29 Innovation Way, Northgate Business Park, P.O. Box 20325 3241 Hamilton
Contact person: Dean Bell
- TINE SA, Fakturamottak Postboks 4242 Sluppen 7436 Trondheim
Contact person: Tone Roalkvam - TYR, Storhamargata 44, 2317 Hamar
Contact person: Per-Sigve Lien
Associated Member
- MIMIRO AS, Postboks 7, 0901 Oslo
Contact person: Johnny Odergard
- CABROP, Defence (Kacha) Rd, 2 km off Ferozpur Rd, Kahna Nau Lahore, Punjab, 53100
Contact Person: Jason Aldiss
- Krajowe Centrum Hodowli Zwierząt (National Animal Breeding Centre), ul. Sokołowska 3 01-142 Warsaw
Contact person: Leszek Sobolewski - Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers, Żurawia 22 Street 00-515 Warsaw
Contact person: Joanna Kwaśniewska
- ANABLE, Apartado 522 4481 – 908 Vila do Conde
Contact person: Antonio Lima Martins - DGAV, Direção-General da Alimentação e Veterinária
Contact person: Pedro Vieira
Associated members
- DigiDelta Software, Analise e Programaçao Uniperssoal Lda., Rua Lino António, Lote 44 R/C, Cruz D’Areia 2410-055 Leinia
Contact person: Carlos M. Mendes das Neves - Ruralbit Lda., Av. Dr. Domingos Gonçalves de Sá 132, 4435-213 Rio Tinto, Porto
Contact person: Manuel Silveira
- Asociatia Aberdeen Angus Romani, Str. Octavian Goga nr. 1, RO – 550370 Sibiu
Contact person: Ioan Teodor Gociman - Asociatia Crescatorilor de Vaci Baltata Romaneasca tip Simmental, Str. Mihai Viteazul, nr. 382 507085 Harman jud. Brasov
Contact person: Zoltan Haller - Asociația Generală a Crescătorilor de Taurine din România, Calea București, nr. 1, 07705, Balotești, Ilfov
Contact person: Neață-Împăratu Toader - Asociatia Pastorul Crisana, Calea Dorabantilor 36, 810245 Arad
Contact person: Nicolae Cioranu
- Institute for Animal Husbandry, Autput 16, Belgrade-Zemun
Contact person: Vlada Pantelić - University of Novi Sad, Agricultural Faculty, Dept. of Animal Science, D. Obradovića 8 21000 Novi Sad
Contact person: Nedeljko Tica
Slovak Republic
- The Breeding Services of the Slovak Republic, Starohájska 29 85227 Bratislava
Contact person: Martina Lacová
- University of Ljublijana, Biotechnical Faculty, Dept. of Animal Science, Chair of Biometry and Data Processing, Groblje 3, Domzale
Contact person: Marija Klopcic
South Africa
- Centre for Animal Breeding and Genetics, ARC Animal Improvement Institute, Private Bag X2 0062 Irene, Pretoria
Contact person: Banga Cutbert - South African Stud Book and Livestock Improvement Association, P.O. Box 270 9300 Bloemfontein
Contact person: Japie van der Westhuizen
Associated Members
- ID-Scan (PTY) Ltd, Postnet suite 477, Private bag x09, Weltevreden Park, Johannesburg Gauteng
Contact person: Albert Loubser
South Korea
- Dairy Cattle Improvement Centre, 201-64 Wondang-dong 412-30 Goyang-si (Gyeongg-do)
Contact person: Ji-Seob Shin - Korea Animal Improvement Association, 1516-5 Seocho-Dong, Seocho-Gu 137-871 Seoul
Contact person: Young Jun Song
- FEAGAS (Federación Española de Asociaciones de Ganado Selecto), C/ Castelló, 45 – 2º Izda 28001 Madrid
Contact person: José Luis Urquijo y Narvaez
- Rådgivarna I Sjuharad, P.O. Box 5007, SE-51405 Langhem
Contact person: Margareta Helander - Skånesemin ek för, Raby 2003, 24292 Horby
Contact person: Martin Olsson - Växa Sverige, Box 210 101 24 Stockholm
Contact person: Jessica Kinnander
Associated Members
- DeLaval International, AB P.O. Box 39 14721 TUMBA
Contact person: Bettina.Krausbauer
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Animal Breeding and Genetics, P.O. Box 7023 75007 Uppsala
Contact person: Erling Strandberg
- ASR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schweizerischer Rinderzüchter, Schützenstrasse 10, Postfach 691 3052 Zollikofen
Contact person: Eric Barras
Associated Member
- Datamars SA, Via Industria 16, 6814 Lamone
Contact person: Damien Pachoud - Identitas AG, Stauffacherstrasse 130A, CH-3014 Bern
Contact person: Stefan Rieder - WMB AG / LactoCorder, Wegenstrasse 6 9436 Balgach
Contact person: Tilman Hoefelmayr or here
Taiwan (ROC)
- Livestock Research Institute, 112 Farm Road 71246 Hsinhua,
Contact person: Joey Chu
Associated Members
- Silicon Craft Technology Public Company Limited, No. 40 Thetsabanrangsannua Road, Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
Contact person: Bodin Kasemset
The Netherlands
- Coöperative CRV u.a., Wassenaarweg 20 6843 NW Arnhem
Contact person: Jos Buiting - Dutch Organisation for Cattle Improvement (NVO), Abeltasmanweg 13, 9866TA Lutjegast
Contact person: Geke Posthumus – van der Bij
Associated Members
- Boumatic Robotics BV, Transportweg 6, Emmeloord
Contact person: Ruud Schlenter - Breedi B.V., Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 35, 2595AN The Hague
Contact person: Daria Iakovishina - FarmTrace, Heinz Moormannstraat 4, 5831 AW Boxmeer
Contact person: Mark van Wichen - JoinData, Nieuwe Kanaal 7-F, NL-6709PA Glederland
Contact person: Sener Celik - Lely International N.V., Cornelis van der Lelylaan 1 3147 PB Maassluis
Contact person: Jeroen van den Ban - Nedap Livestock, Parallelweg 2, P.O.Box 104, 7140 AC Groenlo
Contact person: Maarten Moleman - Plastifran B.V., Rond Deel 12, Bladel, Noord Brabant
Contact person: Marleen Houthuijs - Uniform Agri, Oostersingel 23, 9401 JZ Assen, Drenthe
Contact person: Harm-Jan van der Beek - Wageningen UR Livestock Research (WLR), P.O. Box 338 6700 AH Wageningen
Contact person: Annie de Veer
- Ministère de l’Agriculture, Office de l’Elevage et des Pâturages (OEP), 30 rue Alain Savary Tunis
Contact person: Directeur Général
- Cattle Breeders’ Association of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2120 Sokak No:5 Gözüm İş Merkezi Daire: 1-2,71/6 06640,Çankaya Ankara
Contact person: İbrahim Karakoyunlu
- State Enterprise “Agency for Animal Identification and Registration” 15 Simyi Khokhlovykh Str., office 406, Kyiv 04119
Contact person: Ievgenii Guliakin
Associated Member
- Kyiv Polygraphic Factory Zorya 1-A Lugova Str. 04074 Kyiv
Contact person: M.V. Romanyuk
- Cattle Information Service (CIS), Scope House, Hortonwood 33, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 7EX
Contact person: Janette Mathie - Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board, Stoneleigh Park CV8 2TL Kenilworth, Warwickshire
Contact person: Marco Winters - Holstein UK, Scotsbridge House, Scots Hill WD3 3BB Rickmansworth, Herts
Contact person: Darren Todd - National Milk Records plc, Fox Talbot House, Greenways Business Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire SN15 1BN
Contact person: Andrew Dungey - Quality Milk Management Services Ltd, Cedar Barn, Easton Hill BA5 1DU Easton Wells, Somerset
Contact person: Andrew John Bradley - Royal Jersey Agricultural & Horticultural Society-Royal Jersey, Showground Milk Records La Route de la Trinite JE3 5JP Trinity, Jersey, Channel Islands
Contact person: David B. Hambrook - Scottish Agricultural CollegeKing’s Buildings, West Mains Road EH9 3JG Edinburgh,Scotland
Contact person: Mike Coffey - United Dairy Farmers Ltd. Dale Farm House, 15 Dargan Road BT3 9LS Belfast,
Contact person: Gary Watson
Associated Member
- ATL Agricultural Technology Limited, Units 1-2 Acorn Business Centre, Oaks Drive, CB8 7SY Newmarket, Suffolk
Contact person: Hayley Reed - Shearwell Data Ltd., Putham, Wheddon Cross, Minehead, Somerset TA24 7AS
Contact person: Richard Webber
- Instituto Nacional para el Mejoramiento Lechero Nueva York 1673 11800 Montevideo
Contact person: Fernando Sotelo - Sistema Nacional Información Ganadera (SNIG), Ministerio de Ganadería Agricultura y Pesca
Conatct person: Gabriel Osorio
- AgSource, 135 Enterprise Drive 53593-0230 Verona, WI
Contact person: Dave Smercina - National Dairy Herd Information Association, (NDHIA) PO Box 930399 53593 Verona, Wisconsin
Contact person: Leslie Thoman
Associated member
- IDEXX One, IDEXX Drive ME 04092 Westbrook
Contact person: Hannah Pearse - Neogen, 4131 N. 48th Street, 68526 Lincoln, Nebraska
Contact person: Jiansheng Qiu - Valley Agricultural Software, Inc., 2418 Crossroads Drive, Suite 3400
Contact person: Kelsy Boyd - Y-Tex Corporation, 29834 N. Cave Creek Rd. 118-321, 85331 Cave Creek AZ
Contact person: Stu Marsh