On 14 December at h. 10.00AM (Paris time) the first of the Brian Wickham Young Person EX2 Series webinars showcasing the findings of each recipient of the BWYPEX is planned
The presentation by Jo Newton is available here while the following viedos of the webinar have been made available:
- Introduction
by Katharina Schodl (ZuchData) - Beef from dairy: The role of genetic improvement in creating greater integration between our dairy and beef industries
Jo Newton (Agriculture Victoria) - Questions and Answers sessison
For presenting the webinar, a brochure ahs been also produced and available here

Presentation of the webinar
The growing use of beef sires in the dairy herd is a major disruption impacting beef and dairy sectors globally. The role of genetics in supporting the integration of the beef and dairy sectors was the focus on a recent global study tour.
Over a 10 week period, Dr Jo Newton OAM, a research scientist with Agriculture Victoria, Australia, conducted over 85 interviews with stakeholders in the beef on dairy supply chain to:
- capture trends in use of beef genetics in the dairy herd;
- build understanding of the needs of future genetic improvement programs;
- identify the requirements to success in models/programs that are delivering greater beef from dairy integration;
- provide recommendations on how to promote greater dairy beef integration; and
- identify opportunities for collaboration.
In this webinar Dr Jo Newton will be hosted by Dr Katharina Schodl to present the key findings from the project followed by a Q&A session.